
Monday, June 23, 2014

Bums and Maybe's

I was sharing with a group of emerging children’s ministry leaders from Baptist churches the other day.  One leader shared a heartwarming story of outreach in her community.  Grandmothers in her church offer to open their homes once a week for a group called “Mums and Babies”. “Our husbands call it “Bums and Maybe’s” she said.

I know I have a wicked sense of humour.  Is that why I love that name!

Young church members mums and their children (“bums” on pews/ seat people) invite non-church mums and children (“maybe’s”) to a weekly morning tea at a Grandma’s house.  “We start with morning tea, then one of the “bums”, oops mums shares a bible story with everyone.  Then the babies, toddler and children go off with the host grandma and a couple of others who come to support, often bringing their own grandchildren too,  to respond to the story through crafts and play.  The mums have a discussion based on the story.  At the end there is a time for prayer and lots of the “non-Christian” mums ask for prayer and report on how their prayers have been answered!”

What a wonderful way to “be church” in a non-threatening way and introducing non-Christians to the amazing life changing stories of Jesus’ ministry on earth then and now.